Sunday, January 25, 2009

The day I caught POOP!!!

OK, so as a father life every now and then throws you a moment that you just can't ever forget. What I am about to tell you is very much one of those moments! Now by the title most of you probably are thinking "gross"!!! Well you are right, but at the same time it has made me feel like I have fully stepped into the role of a true, loving, and fully caring father who would do anything (when I say anything, I mean it!) for his daughters. So without further ado, here is my story...

It was a normal Saturday. Started out as most Saturdays do. The girls woke up earlier than my sleeping self would have liked, but oh well. The only difference with this Saturday is that it was the first time that I would be watching both the girls on my own for an extended period of time. Morgan was only about three months old and Rachael was going to a Bible study. I love my girls and love watching them so this was going to be a fun day with daddy and his girls. Rachael leaves and I am on my own. The day starts innocent enough. I fed Madison breakfast and dressed the girls. Morgan was being very good. I couldn't help but think, "Man, I have this dad thing down!" Here is a word of caution, do not ever think anything like that. I am serious, because as soon as you think it something bad is about to happen!!! Here is where my day took the turn. Madison was still in diapers, but would let us know when she needed changed. So she is in the living room and is yelling at me down the hall while I am in the other room cleaning. She says, "Daddy, I pooped!" This is fine, I have changed many poopy diapers before and I was going to change this one. The only problem was that when I went into the living room Madison was taking off her diaper!!! Oh, no. So I grab the diaper that contains you guessed it, poop. I proceed to take the diaper to the garbage and returned to help Madison clean up and get a fresh diaper. As I return she says "Daddy I poop!" Now at this point I see the scene that is about to take place flash through my head before it happens. Not good. As I look over at Madison, I see that she is not done going to the bathroom. So here is my daughter standing in the middle of the living room floor with no diaper on and she is still going POOP. I can see that the floor is in immediate stain danger and I am going to have a literal mess to clean up. So what did I do you might ask. Well I did what any good husband and father would do, I jumped across the room with arms outstretched and caught the poop. Oh yes, it was like a wide receiver making a great diving catch in the end zone for the game winning touch down. I made the grab. I had saved that carpet and saved my self a bigger mess. By this time my heart is racing and I am on the floor with poop in my hands. CRAZY and yes GROSS!!! Do not worry, I immediately discarded the goods and washed my hands about ten times over. I also used hand sanitizer for good measure. So there it is, in all its glory. The day I caught POOP!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Who's line is it anyway?"

For Christmas this year, my parents bought us tickets to see the "Who's line is it anyway?" show with Brad Sherwood and Colin Mochrie. So we went to the show. I though it would be funny, but it was gut-busting hilarious. They have truly mastered the art of improv comedy and from start to finish, the show never lacked a dull moment. There quick wit and off the wall ideas were amazing and they were never stumped by any suggestions from the audience. They did some great skits from what you would see on the T.V. show. At the end they did a skit in which they set up 100 mousetraps and blindfolded themselves, all while barefoot. They acted out a skit about scrap booking, an audience suggestion, and it was hilarious!!! I have not laughed so hard in a long time. The show was great and we were so glad just to be able to go, but there was more. My mom works at the theater and Rachael and I, along with a few others, got to stay after the show and meet them. They were very nice guys, and signed autographs and took pictures with all of us who were there. Again I must stress that they were just very nice, funny, cool guys. If I ever get the chance I will definitely see them again. It is well worth the price of admission and you would not be disappointed. Two thumbs way up for the show!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Moseley Fam!

Rachael and I had Marty, Becky, and Lil Marty Moseley over for dinner tonight. It was so much fun. We feel truly blessed to have them as friends. We had such a blast. There was a great dinner, some serious game playing (dutch blitz), and non stop laughs at some Dane Cook!!! Who can beat that? I hope Marty did not stop and buy some cashews!!!!!!!! Lil Marty is a blast and Madison really enjoyed having a friend over to play. God is great and He provides so much. We feel so lucky to have the friends we do and can't wait for this coming year of fun and excitement!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wow... My very first blog, Ever! Glorious!!!

OK, so this is my very first blog ever. I hope that it meets or exceeds your expectations of what you are expecting as you read this... if not, Sorry!

So I was driving home from work the other day and the David Crowder Band song "Glorious" came on. If you do not know the song, the chorus states

"You make everything glorious.
You make everything glorious.
You make make everything glorious.
And I am yours,
What does that make me?"

I have heard this song many, many times. For some reason, as I was listening to the song this time, the chorus really hit a chord. I know that God really does make everything glorious. I know that He made me, but that last line sunk in like a barbed hook and would not let go. "What does that make me?" I really am wrestling with what that makes me!!! Do I live a life that makes me glorious in the eye of the beholder? Am I a walking reflection of glorious? I sure don't think so! However, I cannot help but stand in awe that God really does see me as glorious, regardless of where I am in my life. He feels the same way about you, whether you believe it or not. I still wrestle with these thoughts, but it is a good wrestle. If you happen to hear the song, really listen!!! It is really Glorious!!!