Friday, April 10, 2009

Forsaken, so that we may live!

Once a year comes Good Friday and with that Easter. I find that the true nature of what Christ went through for us is most felt during the few days that we live around Easter. Rachael and I watched The Passion of the Christ. Those of you who have seen it, know it is a profoundly powerful and deep movie. I feel ill and shaky after watching the movie. Christ death was not just a death, but an all out gruesome and grievous single body massacre. Here are my ramblings of all that the movie and the true meaning of Easter bring out of my mind.

Christ was a perfect son.
He had a mother and an Almighty Father!!! Christ is King!!! Christ was THE perfect sacrifice!!! Christ died for you and I!!! Christ gave himself to save others who cursed him!!!


How feeble and fain we are. You gave your very life and what do we give you??? How is it that I have a hard time sharing my faith in you and often times hide my true feelings about who I am because of you??? It is because of you that I do not get what I truly deserve. I deserve to be condemned to hell. Oh, how I have sinned against you. For this I am ashamed and ask for your forgiveness. Throughout all my transgressions, you still love me Lord!!! What an amazing King you are. Thank you for your unconditional love! Thank you for walking with me! Thank you for my family! Thank you for my friends! Thank you for my church! Thank you for YOU! I do not deserve anything you offer me, but I freely accept!!! I pray for the strength and boldness to share you mighty word. I want your righteous conviction to guide my life. I want to share the good news of what your death truly meant for mankind. You are the one true God and may many know you because of your workings in my life. I am weak and cannot do anything without you!!! May your will be done through my life and all that I do. I love you Lord!!! May your death not be for naught in my heart!!! You bring salvation and I bring my service to you. Use this simple, sinful man to spread your word.


Lord, you arose. After what man did to you, you came back to life to walk among the living. You fulfilled the prophecy. You are our good news. You are our salvation.


Christ was persecuted because he challenged the norm. He looked to new doctrine instead of sticking with the old. He saw beyond the laws of man and the simple thoughts of our brains.
Let us go beyond the norm. May we move beyond what man knows and show the world that they need the perfect savior in their lives. Let us be bold and empowered to move people beyond their comfort zone and into the Father's Arms. May this world wake up and know the one true God!!!

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